Annunciation House is one of four shelters that will be providing hospitality to reunited families that were detained and separated by ICE in the last few months. We expect to receive 1000 families in the next week or two. We urgently need your support to help us provide meals, clothing, transportation and housing costs for these guests. Financial donations are the most helpful as they allow us to purchase exactly what we need, and free our volunteers from the work of sorting, transporting, and storing material donations. We humbly thank you for your help.
El campesino que desafió a Carlos Slim
Un relato de más de 5 años
PrintExpo + Steamroller + BinFest
Join us Saturday, February 10, 2018 from 12-5pm for our annual PrintExpo.
PrintExpo includes vendor fair, steamroller printing, and printmaking demonstrations and will be held at Museum of Human Achievement near Canopy (916 Springdale Rd, Austin, Texas 78702). Canopy is an East Austin Creative Space, home of Big Medium, Modern Rocks Gallery, and Art, Science Gallery.
Are you an artist? We have a spots remaining for Expo + Steamroller+ BinFest. More info here.
En cuatro años, diez líderes indígenas que se oponen a la destrucción y despojo de la Sierra Tarahumara han sido asesinados y, como es constante en México, sus homicidios están impunes. La tala ilegal, la siembra y trasiego de estupefacientes, así como la instalación de megaproyectos son las razones detrás de los crímenes
click here/haz click
SIERRA TARAHUMARA, CHIHUAHUA.- Fabián Carrillo Cleto, un indígena rarámuri, llegó a las calles asfaltadas de Chihuahua el verano del 2014. Atrás habían quedado sus tierras, su bosque, su forma de vivir.